There is still a lot more to be added, and a few issues resolved but give it a try...
Maemo-Mapper can either connect to an Internet APRS server, or a KISS TNC.
To setup APRS on Maemo-Mapper:
- Click on: Menu -> APRS -> APRS Settings...
- On the APRS tab check 'Enable APRS functionality'
- On the Station tab enter the following:
- Callsign: Your Amateur Radio callsign.
- Beacon Path: This will vary, but should be something like RELAY,WIDE2-2
- The 'Symbol Group' and 'Symbol' fields will select your transmitted symbol - '/' and 'l' will be a laptop - the '/' selects the primary table, and the 'l' specifies the symbol - see here.
- On the Internet tab enter the following:
- Server: The APRS Internet Server to connect to - there is a good list here when choosing a server I suggest you don't select a server that sends you everything, and instead filters the data to stations near you. E.g.
- Port: This is the port you will connect to the APRS server on - the link above will detail this - note if you are going to use the Automatic position filter (see below) then you may need to select a specific port. E.g. 14580 (for user specified filters)
- Server Validation: if you don't know your validation code (this is related to your callsign) then enter -1.
- Enable TX: Check if you which to send your position to the Internet server (note the Internet server will ignore this if you have not got a valid validation code).
- Filter data: If Enable is checked, and the APRS server will accept a user specified filter this will tell the server to only send you positions of other stations within a specified range of your location. Note - currently this is only sent when you connect to the server, and not updated when you are moving.
- On the Internet 2 tab:
- Beacon Internal: The frequency (in seconds) that your position beacon will be sent to the Internet Server (if TX is enabled).
- Beacon Comment: The comment that will be sent with your position.
- On the TNC 1 tab:
- This tab works very similar to the Settings -> GPS tab.
- A KISS TNC can be connected either via a bluetooth connection or a USB to Serial adapter
- The TNC must be in KISS mode and be set to 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
- I am currently using a TinyTrak4 and Bluetooth serial adapter.
- Enable TX can be used to enable or disable any transmissions on this port.
- The TNC 2 tab is as the Internet 2 tab
Once the above settings have been entered you have the following options:
- Menu -> APRS -> Connect to APRS Server - this will connect to the APRS server.
- Menu -> APRS -> Connect to TNC - This will connect to your TNC, if it is on a bluetooth port Maemo-Mapper will setup the bluetooth connection.
- Menu -> APRS -> List Stations - this will list all stations heard, and allow you to view more details, or scroll the map to their position.
- Menu -> APRS -> List Messages - this will list all messages received - currently this is readonly.